Love for Drummers

Let’s be honest. Being a drummer is hard. You always get in trouble for constantly tapping on things. You can’t play whenever you want. Drums are loud. You literally hit your instrument ON PURPOSE…repeatedly with wooden sticks. It’s a very physical instrument.

When you’re first starting out it’s very hard to know all the different things that go into being a drummer. You just know that you love it. How does a hi-hat stand work? How do I tune my congas? Why does my djembe sound like a paper bag?

Here at Drum Love we want to encourage and support drummers of all abilities and experience. We want to provide information about all the things drummers want to know.

Need a replacement part? Ask us. We might have an extra.

Looking for lessons? We know people.

So send us a message for any question you might have. We’d love to help.